Former Emotional Tightrope Walker and Self Saboteur turned and Mental Health and Wellbeing Blogger.

The Power of Words

The Power of Words

I heard a brilliant story recently about a famous basketball star in the US who was doing some good will work where he would go in to give talks to prison inmates to discuss his career in the NBA. Whilst he was there he was talking to one of the guards in between sessions one of the guards asked him how he had managed to get in to the NBA.

The player said it was the most natural thing in the world for him because he had played since being a small child and his dad would play basket ball with him every day and whenever he threw a good shot his dad would say “If you keep throwing shots like that you’ll be an NBA player one day”.

Whenever he played well with his team his dad would say “you’re a great team player, if you keep playing like that you’ll be an NBA player one day”.

Whenever he made a mistake in a game but picked myself back up and kept hustling, his dad would say “with a good attitude like that you’ll be an NBA player one day”. And soon enough, said the player, I was an NBA player.

A prisoner, who had happened to have over heard the conversation, interjected. That is exactly what happened to me! Everytime I did something wrong my father would say “if you keep doing that you’re going to end up in prison one day” and here I am!

The words we hear most often, whether they be from people in our lives, or whether they be the words we tell ourselves, have a huge impact on our lives.

What words do you hear repeatedly in your life?

What messages are those words sending to your subconscious?

How might they have affected the path you are on?

When we need to change the words we have influencing our lives there is some great news.

We can change them and reprogramme our thoughts.

We have the power to change the story we are being told, or which we are telling ourselves.

All you need to do is to choose the new story you want to tell yourself!

Here’s how to start:

Create some positive affirmations for things you want more of in your life, and make sure you check in with them daily.

Write them down (I put them in my journal) and read and/or speak them out loud everyday.

It’s important to do this even though at the start you won’t necessarily believe them yet.

If you don’t believe them yet, that’s totally ok, remember that it’s the repetition that reinforces the message.

Repeat them over and over until you do.

What words do you NEED to hear more of in your life?

I’ve recently found a wonderful brand called LifeToken and they make customised word token bracelets/pendants.

If you could distill your new affirmations down in to one or two simple words, what would those words be?

Imagine if you had those words on a bracelet on your wrist so you could see those words whenever you looked down.

Think of how powerful that will be in helping you reinforce that new positive message.

The picture below is of my words.

I have chosed BE PRESENT because my mind is constantly racing to thoughts of the future and I rarely take the time to just sit and be present in the moment. Everytime I see my bracelet it reminds me to stop and breath and reconnect with the NOW.

If you’d like your own LifeToken Bracelet I have a discount code for 20% off.


I can not recommend these enough, and what better gift to give yourself or someone you love, than a positive message.

Please share your words with me! I’d love to hear what they are and what they mean to you!

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