Former Emotional Tightrope Walker and Self Saboteur turned and Mental Health and Wellbeing Blogger.

Shame Is The Most Powerful Emotion

SHAME is the MOST POWERFUL and destructive emotion…
I had never thought about it until I read Dr Brené Brown. She has spent her academic life studying shame and courage and vulnerability. 
Why is shame so powerful?
When we feel ashamed about something we feel like by talking about it will risk social rejection or isolation. And what does that do … it makes us bury our shameful thoughts and feelings and it stops us communicating.
What is the antidote to shame? 
Compassion, empathy and vulnerability.
How do we get that? 
By sharing our stories with people who we feel will not judge us.
Have you got something in your life which is causing you to feel shame?
I think most of us would be shocked to know that we all feel shame about something at some point in our lives. 
Know that no matter what you feel ashamed about, you are not alone. You are not the first person to have felt the way you do about whatever your situation. 
Talking about your shame will stop it being bottled up inside where it can only cause negative damage to your mental and physical health. 
If there is nobody in your life you would trust to hear you without judgement then seeking an external source like a counsellor or coach is the best solution. Someone who won’t judge you but who will treat you with the compassion and understanding that you deserve.

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