Former Emotional Tightrope Walker and Self Saboteur turned and Mental Health and Wellbeing Blogger.

What You Focus On Affects What You See

What you Focus on Affects What you See!

Psychologist Daniel Simons did an experiment (in the form of a Youtube video) where you are asked to watch 2 small teams playing basket ball. One team in red and one team in white. 🏀

You are asked to count the number of times the white team passes the ball. (if you’ve not seen it check it out here before reading on…

You are then asked if you spotted the Gorilla! 🦍


In this experiment Simmons wanted to prove that when we are focused on a task we use selective attention to filter out things that we don’t need to see for the task at hand.

Don’t get me wrong, focus is good but at what cost?

What have you been focused on?
What has THAT FOCUS made you blind to?

I am a trained Opera Singer, and from 2008-2014 I dissapeared down a focus rabbit hole.

I had spent years in working, not knowing what I wanted from my life, and then the opportunity came along to go for what seemed like “my dream job” and I locked on. 🍀

During that period I went at that aim with such intensity I didn’t notice that some of the other important things in my life, which were on the peripheries, had started falling appart. ⚡️

I was so focused on becoming something and forgot about BEING. 😥

I had a vision of who I was supposed to be on the other end of the process but I hadn’t taken the time to assess the effect of giving one thing my entire focus. I felt ok with the thought that I could put the rest of my life on hold until I got to the end goal.

Has anyone ever woken up one day, like I did, and realise they had achieved what they wanted to achieve but found they had lost something of great value on the way.
A relationship, a lifestyle, physical fitness, your mental health? 😰

So many of us plow straight ahead in life when we see something that sounds like what we might want without actually knowing what we want. We are forced to make career decisions at a younger and younger age.

How can this be avoided?

Better education in Self Awareness! We need to realise the importance of learning how to identify our needs, our motivations and our core values.

If we all had the opportunity work out what we REALLY wanted, we might avoid getting lost and aim our focal points more wisely? 🤯

I run a 6 week online course, based on 6 really effective lessons in self awareness which all lead to you building a strong foundation of self knowledge from which to build your future and plan your future goals.

If anyone is interested please comment or DM me for additional information.

The courses start each month on the first of the month There are only ever 10 places each month so I can devote enough time to everyone.

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